Monday, January 4, 2010


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of October - December 2009.

1. Attendance 9
2. Records on line 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines 0
5. Address office understaffing 4
6. Microfilming closed cases 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff 0
8. Have case files properly filed away 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes 0
11. Automated Phone System 0
12. Over all Grade 1

Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-
3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F

As you can see, compared with the previous summer quarter, she has stayed the same. Last quarter, her overall grade was a D-. This quarter's overall grade is also a D-. She did have improvement in one area: We gave her a C- in addressing office understaffing because she did hire someone to replace Sandra Brown in the Title Dept. She hired someone with no experience and sent them to another county (we think it was Lorain County) for an extended period of time to be trained. Our question is, who is paying this person while they are being trained in Lorain County? Erie County or Lorain County? Another question is when is she going to hire someone to replace Judy (who retired in Spring of 2008), Yvette (who left in August 2009) and Anita (who retired December 2009)?

However, even though there was one small improvement in one area, and stayed the same with her attendance, there is nothing new in the other areas where she received "0." It just goes to show you that our "NOTHING" clerk is, for the most part, still doing "NOTHING" and getting paid by us, the tax payers for doing "NOTHING." I just wish we could get more work out of her for what we are paying her - you know, that $54,000 per year salary.

Now come on, really, would you expect anything more from our “NOTHING” clerk?

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?


  1. You quoted that you think she is $700k behind in collecting costs. A little birdie with good inside information thinks it is closed to 2.5 million dollars!! Yes, that's right, 2.5 million. Did you catch two recent articles in the Sandusky Register this week? She refuses to give information to the newspaper concerning her "Cash Book" figures as well as other accounting records. The second article mentions that she refused to comply with a Erie County Commissioner's request on her employee's balances of vacation and sick leave are. What gives? How is she getting away with this? She should be charged with malfeasance in office and sued by the news media with not providing information which will expose her malfeasance. Keep up the good work in exposing this corrupt politician for what she is. A "Nothing" clerk of court. For the voters of Erie County that cast a "yes" for her in the 2008 election---shame on you for not doing your homework.

  2. I still don't know how Johnson is getting away without removing Social Security and financial account numbers from case files when I'm pretty sure there was a law or something passed about that a long time ago. Neither do I know how she keeps getting away with making no attempt to put records online. I for one have been eagerly anticipating these online records for months and months now just to make sure the records are going to be TRUE and ACCURATE but it's starting to look like records online is never going to happen under Ms. Johnson's watch. Surprise, surprise.

    Julie R.

  3. Perhaps it is time to call in Mary Taylor for an audit. There is no excuse for refusing to turn over public documents for public scrutiny.

    Mary Taylor is a Republican. You have a better chance of a Republican state auditor doing an audit on a Democrat public official.

    "Auditor Taylor's Pledge
    Ohio’s Auditor of State shares an obligation to ensure open government for all Ohioans. For democracy to be truly effective, all citizens must be granted the right to have broad access to government records and meetings."

    Mary Taylor will not be seeking re-election.

    Don't expect another Democrat to audit or investigate Barbara Johnson's office.

    Oliver Hardy
