Saturday, May 30, 2009


Is Barb Johnson robbing the tax payers?

In this article we showed you how Barb Johnson has not done a damn thing while she has been in office for the past 20 years. That’s NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH! ! And to top it off, she herself could not even name 3 accomplishments that she has done in those 20 years in office!

Now if that’s not bad enough, take a look at how much money Erie County has paid Johnson over the past 20 years to do NOTHING! ! Her salary is $53,214 per year. Multiply that by 20 and you get a whopping $1,064,280 that Erie County has paid her over the past 20 years for doing……NOTHING! ! ! (SIDE NOTE: It's been 7 months since the election and she still has done.....NOTHING! ! END SIDE NOTE). Now add on these next 4 years and you would add on another $212,856 to that $1,064,280 price tag (or $1,277,136). Now grant it, this figure might be a bit high because I’m pretty sure she wasn’t paid $53,214 twenty years ago, but that figure is pretty darn close.

Here’s another idea; for fun let’s add in the $700,000 in uncollected court fines and fees (personally, I have good reason to believe that amount is closer to 1.5 – 2 million...or even higher than that, but I’ll investigate that sometime in the future) and she has cost Erie County tax payers a WHOPPING $1,764,280! ! ! That’s almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS thrown out the window. If you would include her salary at the end of this present 4 year term, that would end up at $1,977,136.

Now I know some people will say that during those 20 years, Johnson first took time away from work to take care of her ailing father, then after he passed away, her ailing husband until he passed away. Well, how many of us would have the luxury of not going to work for that long while taking care of sick relatives and still get paid? Why didn’t she just retire (or quit) so that she could take care of her sick relatives instead of collecting her weekly pay check while not doing any work for so long? After all, that’s what the rest of us would have had to do. But no, instead, we the citizens and tax payers of Erie County paid for her to take care of her sick relatives. That was awfully nice of us to do, don’t you think? DAMN, I wish I had a job like that! !

So back to my original question: Is Barb Johnson robbing the tax payers? My answer is an emphatic YES, YES, YES! ! ! And if you disagree with me, I’d love to hear from you as to why.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

I’m not sure what next weeks’ article will be (there is just soooo much to choose from), but I can guarantee that it will be worth the time to read.

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