Tuesday, April 7, 2009


A reader recently left the following comment:

Anonymous said...
"you people who say all this stuff bout barbara johnson on this website are cruel! i know barbara personally and she is one of the nicest people i know. not only is she a good christian woman but she also works very hard and does a fine job as erie county clerk. you people should be ashamed at what you are doing!"

Let me reiterate what I wrote in an earlier article: "Barb Johnson is a very nice person. Her "likeability" is not what is in question. What is in question are her management skills (or lack thereof) which has cost the citizens and tax payers of Erie County hundreds of thousands of dollars over her past 6 terms of over 20 years. This evidence will be gathered during the next 4 years and will be made available to the public for the 2012 election."

Barb is a nice person - a good Christian woman. Great! I get it! I even agree 100% with that statement. I am not arguing that point.

However, when you say things like, "she also works very hard and does a fine job as erie county clerk," THAT is what I will debate with anyone at anytime because there is sooooo much evidence to prove otherwise!

First, if she did work hard at her job, things would have gotten done over her past 20 year reign as Clerk. Unfortunately, sad to say, nothing has gotten done. Secondly, if she did a fine job as Clerk, then that office would not be in the utter chaotic mess that it is in at the present time. I can remember when the previous Clerk (Collette Crouch) retired, that office was in VERY GOOD shape. Over the past 20 years under Johnson's 6 terms, things have spiraled out of control. So no one can tell me that she is doing a fine job as Clerk, because all the evidence shows the contrary - the evidence that I have produced so far, and the evidence that I will produce in the future.

Remember, being a nice, good, Christian person does not automatically make you a good manager.

1 comment:

  1. So well put RBJFO! Many people think she is a nice person (which she is) and will think that anyone holding her accountable at her job (which is paid for by us tax payers) is a personal attack on her and therefore should not allowed - because she is such a nice person. You are right in saying that during her 20 years as Clerk, that office has "spiraled out of control" and is in "utter chaotic mess." Anyone walking into that office can see that for themselves.

    You really hit the nail on the head with this article. I especially liked your last line which really says it so well, "Remember, being a nice, good, Christian person does not automatically make you a good manager."
