Before we get to a comment that someone left, I would like to point out that after a week, not one Johnson supporter left a comment after last week's article. Why? Could it be that they could not find any facts or evidence to back up what they say? Or, could it be that they have come to their senses and realize how bad the COC office is and that it is all Johnson's fault?.....................NAW, I think it's the former. At any rate, it's interesting that not one supporter commented (not even Johnson herself disguised as a supporter).
Now, onto this very interesting comment that an anonymous poster left in last weeks article:
August 1, 2009, 11:48 PM:
"I found this site while trying to find a link to online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court. There are no online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court's office!! WOW! Even in Stark County, where the unemployment rate is 12.1% and we're losing large businesses left and right, we STILL found the money to put our records online and our Clerk of Court Nancy Reinbold does a fantastic job in keeping with the duties of her office. Wouldn't it be fantastic if some Clerks of Court from other counties were required to form a peer review board in order to evaluate their counterparts in other counties? I think that is an idea worth pursuing. Good luck with this! Something in Erie County is certainly fishy with regards to this office."
"I found this site while trying to find a link to online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court. There are no online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court's office!! WOW! Even in Stark County, where the unemployment rate is 12.1% and we're losing large businesses left and right, we STILL found the money to put our records online and our Clerk of Court Nancy Reinbold does a fantastic job in keeping with the duties of her office. Wouldn't it be fantastic if some Clerks of Court from other counties were required to form a peer review board in order to evaluate their counterparts in other counties? I think that is an idea worth pursuing. Good luck with this! Something in Erie County is certainly fishy with regards to this office."
The first line that jumped out at me was: "Even in Stark County, where the unemployment rate is 12.1% and we're losing large businesses left and right, we STILL found the money to put our records online and our Clerk of Court Nancy Reinbold does a fantastic job in keeping with the duties of her office." Yes, Erie County's unemployment is right up there as well. The BIG difference is that Stark County clerk Nancy Reinbold does the job that she was elected to do, and she no doubt knows how to manage and lead her office. She does what ever it takes to acquire the funds needed to get the records on line.
Whereas Johnson does not have a clue how to manage or run her office. She has proved that time and time again over the past 20-plus years. If she did know what she was doing, that office would not be in the chaotic mess that it is in today. Johnson would have investigated in how to acquire the funding needed to put records on line by talking to other COC in the state; but no. Perhaps she thinks that if she did that, she would appear to her piers as being weak and not knowing her job which would not be the case at all; it would simply prove that she is investigating her options. It would also show that she is truly working towards the goal of getting records on line. She would be actually doing some "INVESTIGATIVE WORK" to obtain much needed information.
That information certainly won't come to her in the middle of the night in a dream.............well, OK, MAYBE it will, but I seriously doubt it. But then....she and her other supporters claim that she is a "Good Christian Woman," so who knows, perhaps God will speak to her in a dream and give her all the information she needs to get the job done. I mean, maybe, just maybe she's been waiting for an answer from God for the past 20-plus years! ! ! Maybe we just need a little more time! ? ! ?
Then the commenter goes on to say, "Wouldn't it be fantastic if some Clerks of Court from other counties were required to form a peer review board in order to evaluate their counterparts in other counties? I think that is an idea worth pursuing." Now that is one of the best ideas I've heard in a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG time! ! ! Can you imagine the pressure Johnson would come under if she was reviewed by her own peers? And then that information can be made public at election time! ! ! GAWD, I LOVE THIS IDEA! ! ! !
Now Johnson supporters, it's not too late to leave your comments. Actually, you can leave your comments anytime. I really look forward to reading them.
you know the only reason you sayin this shit about her is cuz she's black. if she was white u wouldn't be sayin this shit. thats all this is.
ReplyDeleteA commenter says, "Wouldn't it be fantastic if some Clerks of Court from other counties were required to form a peer review board in order to evaluate their counterparts in other counties"?
ReplyDeleteI would say the same thing about Prosecutors, Judges and Attorneys BUT WE ALL KNOW HOW THE ETHICS OF THAT WOULD WORK!
To the anonymous poster on Aug. 8:
ReplyDeleteYou racist pig! This blog is not about the color of Johnson's skin! ! It's about her doing her job or not doing her job! ! And guess what, whether she is white, hispanic, asian, black or whatever, SHE IS NOT DOING HER JOB! ! ! Her skin color has absolutely NOTHING to do with this! !
If you want to pull the race card on a blog, either go here:
or here:
If you leave any further comments like the one you left yesterday, I can assure you that they WILL BE DELETED! The only reason I'm leaving this one up is so that people can see what a racist pig you really are! !
No, I don't believe that Ms. Johnson's skin color has anything to do with this, either. But on the other hand I just can't get into this blog. The reason I can't get into it is---I have always prided myself on being a good judge of character.....and 99% of the time I am correct. I can't stand unethical people and I can't stand liars. But what I really can't stand is people that FEIGN IGNORANCE.....and from personal experience I can say there sure are a lot of public officials and their staff in Erie County that are guilty of this!
ReplyDeleteNow I do not personally know Barb Johnson but for some reason I just don't believe she fits in the category of being unethical, a liar or one of those despicable people that feigns ignorance. I also do not believe that NOT HAVING RECORDS ONLINE even comes close to the seriousness behind the public offices in this County that are guilty of having records online that are UNTRUE and INCORRECT.
What I'm trying to say is......if the choice was between somebody with ethics and morals even though incompetent when it comes to her job.....compared to the ethics and morals of others in this County.....Barb Johnson would win hands down.
Julie R.
To the Moderator:
ReplyDeleteSo when and if Barb Johnson ever gets records online are the records going to true and accurate or will they be untrue and misleading like other Erie County public offices? I personally can't WAIT to see how that SCAM to sell property at a Sheriff Sale because of FRAUD is portrayed online.....but what I would REALLY like to see ONLINE would be PROBATE COURT RECORDS!
Julie R.