Monday, May 16, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barbara Johnson has again made the local newspaper. We'll give you 3 guesses why. Nope, it wasn't for some prestigious award. Nope, it wasn't for performing well at her duties. OK, OK, we can't wait any longer, we'll just tell you - it is AGAIN for not doing her job (and that should be of no surprise to people who read this site on a regular basis).

In the Monday, May 16 edition of the Sandusky Register, in the article "County Commissioners Sued" Johnson is criticized for not letting Commissioners and Erie County Administrator Mike Bixler know that the suit had been filed in her office. The suit is over renovations that were made to the Erie County Care Facility.

The article states:

"Yet commissioners were clueless when the lawsuit hit home.

The lawsuit was filed in the Erie County Clerk of Courts office on (Thursday) May 5. The Register put in a public records request last Monday (May 9) to see the court document.

Then - only after the Register told them about the lawsuit - did county officals know they were being sued.

'It would have been a nice courtesy to let us know,' county administrator Mike Bixler said. 'It's like everyone knows.'

The Office isn't controlled by county commissioners. Rather, the often-absent clerk of courts Barb Johnson captains the office and ultimately has the responsibility to inform the county of when it's being sued.

That's usually done by sending a letter in the mail, county officials said.

They received the notice Tuesday, a day after the Register learned of the lawsuit."

It's difficult to believe that the voters voted her in for a 6th term after she has shown her total incompetence, and lack of managerial and lack of leadership skills in the past. Hopefully the 2012 elections will be different. Hopefully the citizens of Erie County will read this site and learn just how unqualified Johnson has been for this job over the past 20-plus years. So if you are reading these articles, pass this website information on to your family and friends. It's important that they learn what their tax money is paying for in the Erie County Clerk of Courts Office.

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?