Saturday, March 7, 2009


Area of Concern number 3 that was brought up during the campaign in November 2008 was how people’s Social Security Numbers and Financial Account Numbers need to be removed from case files in order to prevent identity theft.

Since Barbara Johnson’s re-election in November and since her re-swearing-in in January of this year, there has been NO change in getting SSN and financial account numbers removed from the hard copy case files.

Now, over the past several months, I have asked several COC and other court employees about this. Some responded with comments such as, “You expected more from Johnson?” “Come on, that would take some ‘action’ on her part and we all know that she isn’t about taking ‘action’ on anything,” “You really think she (Johnson) will do anything about that?” A few people (who might be trying to cover for her lousy managing skills) said along the line of, “She can’t do anything at this time because there is a bill pending in the Ohio General Assembly. If this bill passes, THEN she can remove that information.”

Well, I did searches on several Ohio House & Ohio Senate websites to find such a bill, and found nothing. If anyone finds such information, please contact the editor or post your findings in the comment section below so that I can put it up on this website for all to see and I’ll stand corrected.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

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