Well, I got this up sooner than I thought.
If you were at the same elected important government job for 20 years, I bet that you could list several, if not many achievements that you did in those 20 years. Well......read on.........
I was at one of the community candidate forums where a VERY interesting question was asked, “ Excluding moving the office from the 3rd & 2nd floor to the 1st floor, please Name 5 accomplishments that you have done in that office in the past 20 years.” (I wish I could take credit for THAT one!).
Well, she NEVER answered the question! ! She “hoe & hummed” and said a lot of “flowery – puffy” things, she even talked about moving her offices from the 2nd & 3rd floors to the first floor (which she was asked not to talk about), but she COULD NOT answer the question! ! (she also did not use a microphone – I think on purpose so that people could not hear her answers). How sad is that? Being in office for 20 years, and you don’t have any accomplishments that you can brag about! ? ! ? ! ?
It doesn’t stop there. There were times, during the campaign, on the SR blogs, that bloggers posted the same question (perhaps by the same person?). First they started with 5 accomplishments, but then they took it down to 3 (THREE) accomplishments, and neither Johnson nor her supporters could list any accomplishments.
If you can’t name THREE accomplishments in 20 years in office, what the hell are you getting paid for? Oh, that’s right, I forgot, for the first 20 years, she was RARELY in the office, so she couldn’t have made any accomplishments! Now, she’s in the office everyday and she STILL isn’t accomplishing ANYTHING! ! ! It is now the beginning of May, 2009, and what has she accomplished since she was called out on this in October & November of 2008? That’s ok, I’ll wait………[crickets chirping]……………..[crickets chirping]…………….[crickets chirping]………….that’s correct NOTHING! ! !
If you want to see some of the blogging on this, go here.
One blogger “John R.” seems to have a real grasp on things! I suspect he is either an attorney or works for a title company. His really good posts are Oct. 10 at 3:36 and Oct. 14 at 7:46 AM
There is also an “interesting” post on Oct. 10 at 11:12 that I think we pretty much de-bunked in our series “Records on Line: Ohio’s 88 Counties.”
How sad. Twenty Years of receiving tax payer money, and not a single achievement to show for it. I suspect the reason why the person asking that question at the candidate forum did not want to include the moving of the offices is because that was such a dismal disaster! Moving those offices from a small office where they were literally "bursting at the seams" to a SMALLER office! I think the person asking the question was trying to cut Johnson some slack...but then she went on to talk about it anyway! And in turn slit her own political throat. Unfortunately, it was only a flesh wound because most of the public did not pick up on it and voted her in again anyway!
I’m not sure what next week’s article will be. But I can guarantee that it will be worth reading! Perhaps, I will comment on the comments while I was on vacation.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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UNBELIEVABLE! ! ! 20 years in a career and she can't name not even ONE accomplishment? I have been in my career for 25 years, and my resume of accomplishments is 4 pages long. And her supporters thought that she had more experience than her opponent, Schaeffer? (Who had a list of accomplishments and qualifications on his campaign brochure). Man, I want some of what those Johnson supporters are smokin! Must be some good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI have no reason to doubt the contents of this site. I was in that office a few times in 2008 and noticed what a mess that office is in. You don't have to be an attorney or have a law degree to notice that stuff when you walk in there. I remember thinking to myself, "My God, how can these women work in a place as chaotic as this?" They are either desparate for a job, or they are so use to it that it doesn't bother them.
No accomplishments in 20 years; that is truly very sad and very pathetic.
You said that you think John R. is either an attorney or works for a title company. This is off the topic but I have a good memory and I'm pretty sure that John R. told somebody in another blog that he was retired and living in Flordia. Could be wrong but I don't think so. I'll try to find it.
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ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous poster above (AKA Julie R):
ReplyDeleteI removed your post because it was about your personal problem with a probate issue. Please stick to the issues concerning Barbara Johnson and not your own personal agenda. You can start your own blog if you want to do that.
Please review the "Commenting Guidelines" in the side bar (Off-topic comments will not be tolerated on this site).
I thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAs I said before, this site is about Barb Johnson and the Erie County Clerk of Courts. This is not a site for someone to post their personal problems on or talk about other things such as Title Companies.
ReplyDeleteYou are more than welcome to leave posts about Barb Johnson and the Erie County Clerk of Courts. Any further posts off topic will be deleted without explanation.
Again, I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
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ReplyDeleteTo the Moderator:
ReplyDeleteI agree that the COC's office is a mess. Trying to find something in that mess they call case files is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, not to mention it takes hours just to go through it. I also agree that Social Security numbers still have not been removed from case files. I also agree totally with the negligence behind not putting records online. There is no excuse for this, especially when this negligence has in the past and just might continue to be in the future a real detriment to parties involved in civil cases. Please allow me to explain.
Had records been online I would have known that attorneys from Lorain County and Cleveland were pulling off a real scam behind my back. I would have also known that a hearing was scheduled in the Common Pleas in which my presence was required yet I was never notified of it. I would have also known that a shifty Cleveland attorney WHO WASN'T EVEN MY ATTORNEY was filing things on my behalf without my knowledge.
Another serious issue in the COC's office deals with ethics and please allow me to explain my reasons for this, also. I know with absolute certainty that the COC's office had my correct address on file yet I did not receive a Judgement Entry pertaining to a Hearing (that I was never notified of) until almost 26 days after its filing because it was sent to an INCORRECT ADDRESS. (an Appeal has to filed within 30 days) As a result I lost the Appeal because the envelope that was returned by the Post Office showing proof of the "incorrect address" had "disappeared" from the COC's office.
Considering how all these concerns and the reasons behind them are directly related to Barb Johnson and the COC's office, I hope you don't delete this comment.
Thank you.
Julie R -
ReplyDeleteConcerning your 9:20 comment:
You said, "Can nobody offer an opinion that might differ from yours?"
The answer is yes. There have been a few Johnson supporters who wrote comments on here and I did not delete them because (even though I disagreed with them) they were on topic. Plus I love to debate the Johnson supporters because they don't have a leg to stand on.
You started that comment saying, "Take note this comment IS about Barb Johnson and the Clerk of Courts and it is my opinion."
But then you go on in that same post slamming Title Companies and Attorneys.
Sorry, there was no connection in that post between Johnson, COC office, Title companies and attorneys.
You next post at 11:18 pm was a little better at that (and staying on topic) and you did make some good points. So I left that one up.
John Doe here:
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Julie R is polluting another blog! My advice to you RBJFO is to ban her and don't respond to her. I have stopped responding to her as well because (as you will find out) it's just a waste of time. She has her set opinion and anyone who disagrees with her she just lashes out and attacks them.
She has refused to provide evidence to go along with her claims even after others have repeatedly offered to help her do so (including you RBJFO). She thinks that it is up to us to look into it, rather than she herself providing documentation.
Ignore her and ban her.
Now, onto this Johnson woman. I agree with 98% of the things you have put on this site so far. I can not believe that she was reelected after much of this was brought out during the campaign, but then again, I don't think all that many people read the SR blogs where I saw alot of this information posted.
The few times I have been in that office, I saw for myself, upon entering the office, that it was (as you say) a "Chaotic Mess."
This web site is a great way to hold her accountable for what she hasn't done over the years. Hopefully the word will get out and more and more people will know about this site and read it.
You're doing a great job! Keep up the great work ! !
To John Doe -
ReplyDeleteI will not ban Julie R from posting on this site. However, I will delete her (and anyone else) comments if they do not follow the "commenting guidelines" in the sidebar. Also, any further "off topic" posts will be deleted without explanation because I just don't have the time to deal with explaning every time I might have to delete one of her posts.
Thanks for your support of this site. Spread the word about this site. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. I hope that you keep coming back and I look forward to any future "insightful" posts about Johnson and the COC office.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMr. Doe -
ReplyDeleteThis is fair warning for you, as for Julie R; Take your battle elsewhere. Any further posts by either of you will be deleted. I am an equal opportunity deleter!
BTW, no amount of Kissing Up will change it either.
This is your FINAL warning for both of you! !
As Homer Simpson would say, "D'OH !"