Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today's Sandusky Register had 2 excellent articles about the mess of the Erie County Clerk of Courts under the mis-management of former Clerk, Barb Johnson.  The "$3MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY" was on the front page and continued on A6 and the article "CLERK OF COURTS ALSO ENTITLED TO FUNDS" was found on page A6.

While we never wrote about "long-running system of negligence" (because we focused on the many other negligence that Johnson was doing to her office), with the $3 Million dollars in a STAR Ohio investment interest-bearing account, we did write about the money that is owed to the clerk's office that have never been collected.  You can see that article in the part 4 of the 11 part series "Areas of Concern" here "COLLECTION ON ESTIMATED $700,000 IN OUTSTANDING COURT COSTS & FINES."

This alone, yet another of Johnson's "astonishing negligence," will indeed be a "Monuental Task" to clean up.  Coupled with our other "11 Areas of Concern," which we have written extensively about in the past (see the left side bar for links to those articles), will be a TREMENDOUS burden on the new Clerk of Courts, Luvada Wilson.  However, we feel that Wilson is not only up to the job, but also is more than capable of doing the job!  Afterall, she has been instrumental in helping Judge Tone clean up the former Judge Anne Maschari's mess, and she has an impeccable work record (she actually shows up to work every day - hummm what a novel idea!).   Even though this Johnson mess is a "Mt. Everest" compared to Maschari's "Ice Berg" mess, Wilson has the experience and knowledge to get the job done.....she just won't be able to get any sleep what-so-ever for the next 15-18 years!

In all seriousness, Wilson is the man (or should we say woman) for the job.  And if she digs in and gets dirty right off the bat and shows significant progress, then we think she is someone we could endorse as a serious candidate for the job when she runs in 2012.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barabara Johnson has died.  She was to retire on October 31, but passed away yesterday (Sunday, October 20). 

Johnson had been battling health problems for 3-4 years.  At this time, it is not known if she passed away at her home, the hospital, or a nursing home (which she had been in a year ago). 

Read the SR article here.

To read Johnson's obituary, click here.

One of the bloggers on the SR website said it best:

Sam Adams (Oct. 31, 2011 @ 2:31 PM): "Mrs. Johnson was hopelessly inept at her job long before any claims of an illness, serious or otherwise.

Her poor job performance, however, in no way suggests that she was a bad person or that her friends and family aren't grieving today. I have never pretended I'd be less than thrilled to see her leave office. I am not remotely glad, however, that she's died. Condolences to all who will miss her."

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Today's Sandusky Register had an EXCELLENT op ed titled, "Johnson Exit Gives Dems Chance at Redemption."

In the piece, they say how the Erie County Dems can redeem themselves for over the past 22 years of ignoring her, "missteps and an abysmal failure to modernize or automate court records and procedures." 

The op ed piece also stated how Luvada Wilson, the current person to fultill a 30 day term, would be an excellent choice to fill in the interim position.

We agree.  For the Erie County Dems to make any other choice would be to show that they don't really give a crap about Erie County. 

Let's see if they do the right thing.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Erie County Commissioners have selected a new temporary clerk to fullfill a 30 day term for Barb Johnson who recently retired as the Erie County Clerk of Courts.  Her retirement (or resignation) begins October 31.

Luvada Wilson will serve a 30 day term.  And if the Erie County Democratic Part Executive Committee (ECDPEC) had any brains, they will keep this women in this position to fulfill the remainder of Johnson's term which ends January 2013.  Wilson has a law degree from the University of Toledo, and was the law clerk from 2006-present for Judge Tygh Tone.  She was instrumental in helping Judge Tone clean up the mess that Judge Anne Maschari left behind (much like Barb Johnson's mess, except worse) when she was voted out of office in 2006. 

Wilson has a great record and is up to the job.  She also has an EXCELLENT work ethic and work history (she is un the job EVERY day). 

Wilson also plans to run for the Erie County Clerk of Courts in the 2012 election.  She has a year to prove herself, and we think she will do a great job at doing just that! 

Good luck Luvada Wilson;  and, "go get 'em tiger! !"

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We apologize for any inconvienance in the late postings of recent articles.  We have been recently  experiencing technical difficulties which we are trying to work out.  Your patience in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barbara Johnson told county officials that she will retire effective October 31.
Now let's hope the democrates choose wisely in their selection of Johnson's successor.  This is a chance for the Erie County Democratic Party to redeem themselves after YEARS of supporting a botched and shambled office!  The Erie County Commissioners will select someone to fullfill a 30 day term.  During that 30 day term, the Erie County Democratic Party's Executive Committee (ECDPEC) will vote to determine who will fulfill the rest of Johnson's term.

We'll see if whoever the ECDPEC will earn their $53,000 per year salary any better than Johnson who was rarely (if ever) in the office.

This resignation (or retirement) should have happened YEARS ago (around 15 years ago) instead of today.  If she would have done that, then the office would not be in the complete state of chaos that it is today.  Well, we guess it's better late than never.....but it sure seems like never.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Barbara Johnson for retiring and putting an end to this mess.  Perhaps know, we will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of July - September 2011.
1. Attendance = 0
2. Records on line = 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files = 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines = 0
5. Address office understaffing = 0
6. Microfilming closed cases = 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff = 0
8. Have case files properly filed away = 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office = 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes = 0
11. Automated Phone System = 0
12. Over all Grade = 0 = F
Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F
What else can we say that hasn't already been said?
Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.
To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of April - June 2011.
1. Attendance = 0
2. Records on line = 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files = 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines = 0
5. Address office understaffing = 0
6. Microfilming closed cases = 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff = 0
8. Have case files properly filed away = 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office = 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes = 0
11. Automated Phone System = 0
12. Over all Grade = 0 = F
Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F
We had to give Barb an "F" in everything including attendance. She is not showing up for work enough to even earn a "1" (or "D-"). We know that the reason for her absence is due to her health and we also feel very strongly that due to her health she should retire and let someone else at the helm who can get that office in shape.
Since she has not been able to do any work, and there was a HUGE lack of accountablity on her part, resulted in "0" or "F" in all categories including this quarter for the "Attendance." She still refuses to retire or resign; as a result, putting the office into a further downward sprial.
Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.
To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

Monday, May 16, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barbara Johnson has again made the local newspaper. We'll give you 3 guesses why. Nope, it wasn't for some prestigious award. Nope, it wasn't for performing well at her duties. OK, OK, we can't wait any longer, we'll just tell you - it is AGAIN for not doing her job (and that should be of no surprise to people who read this site on a regular basis).

In the Monday, May 16 edition of the Sandusky Register, in the article "County Commissioners Sued" Johnson is criticized for not letting Commissioners and Erie County Administrator Mike Bixler know that the suit had been filed in her office. The suit is over renovations that were made to the Erie County Care Facility.

The article states:

"Yet commissioners were clueless when the lawsuit hit home.

The lawsuit was filed in the Erie County Clerk of Courts office on (Thursday) May 5. The Register put in a public records request last Monday (May 9) to see the court document.

Then - only after the Register told them about the lawsuit - did county officals know they were being sued.

'It would have been a nice courtesy to let us know,' county administrator Mike Bixler said. 'It's like everyone knows.'

The Office isn't controlled by county commissioners. Rather, the often-absent clerk of courts Barb Johnson captains the office and ultimately has the responsibility to inform the county of when it's being sued.

That's usually done by sending a letter in the mail, county officials said.

They received the notice Tuesday, a day after the Register learned of the lawsuit."

It's difficult to believe that the voters voted her in for a 6th term after she has shown her total incompetence, and lack of managerial and lack of leadership skills in the past. Hopefully the 2012 elections will be different. Hopefully the citizens of Erie County will read this site and learn just how unqualified Johnson has been for this job over the past 20-plus years. So if you are reading these articles, pass this website information on to your family and friends. It's important that they learn what their tax money is paying for in the Erie County Clerk of Courts Office.

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

Monday, April 4, 2011


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of January - March 2011.

1. Attendance 1
2. Records on line 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines 0
5. Address office understaffing 0
6. Microfilming closed cases 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff 0
8. Have case files properly filed away 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes 0
11. Automated Phone System 0
12. Over all Grade 0.09 = F

Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-
3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F

Barb has not been in the office from mid-September 2010 - Mid February 2011 (over 90 days and 40 days medical leave). We have confirmed reports that she was out due to health reasons. State law says that she only needs to be in the office one day out of 90.

Over the past 3 months she has only been in the office from Mid-February thru the end of March on a part-time basis. She never explained to anyone the reason for her absence (at least not until she was pressured by the commissioners and the Sandusky Register). Since she has not been able to do any work, and there was a HUGE lack of accountablity on her part, resulted in "0" or "F" in all categories except for the "Attendance" catagory where she received a "1" or "D-. "

Even after all this, she has refused to retire or resign and firmly states that she is still in charge; as a result, putting the office into a further downward sprial.

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

Friday, March 18, 2011


In the print edition of yesterday's SR was the article "Johnson: I'm Still Clerk," (3/17/11, page A2). In that article Johnson and the writer of the article (Andy Ouriel) said some things that we need to comment on.

The SR also had a much shorter article in their on-line edition "Clerk of courts back at work."

In that article, Johnson said, "I'm not keeping track of hours. I am coming in as often as I can."

So what she is really saying is that NOTHING has changed from the past 20-plus years: She has NEVER EVER kept track of ANYTHING in that office (most especially her hours - and in some cases some of her employees hours), and as in the past 20-plus years she is coming in as often as she can (see a previous article we wrote "Is Johnson Robbing the Tax Payers?").

The article says, "Erie County commissioners Bill Monaghan and Pat Shenigo meanwhile, said they've attempted to locate Johnson for some time and ask her why she didn't inform anyone of her whereabouts. But in the end, elected officials are their own bosses. They don't have to report to other elected officials."

She may not have to report to other elected officials, but she does have to REPORT TO US, THE TAX PAYER, AND HER BOSS! ! WE, as her boss, HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAS BEEN GOING ON for the past 5 months. . . . . or even the past 20-plus years! !

Side Note: Erie County commissioner Tom Ferrell is also AWOL many times. Monaghan and Shenigo, while you're at it, why not ask Ferrell where he is most of the time? End Side Note.

Johnson said, "Do I feel when I'm out of the office that I have to inform people where I am and why I'm out? That is not required."

No one cares how you "FEEL" about informing people Barbara, that is part of your job as the head of that department to inform us of where you are, why you're out, and when you plan to return. You have NEVER done that - not even letting your own staff know so that when people come looking for you, they can give an intelligent answer when you plan to be back. You're right Barbara, it is not required, but it is a courtesy to your staff, and your bosses (us, the tax payers that pay your $53,000 salary). Interesting that the word "Courtesy" has the word "Court" in it - she has no courtesy for the court or her bosses.

Another interesting note, since her staff are also Erie County tax payers, they too are her bosses.

The article said, "Johnson refuse to say if the meetings actually took place (between Johnson, Monaghan and former auditor Tom Paul), but both men confirmed they met with Johnson."

Typical Johnson. She is hush, hush about everything. Again, she forgets time, and time again that WE are her boss, and as her boss, we have a right to know ANY AND ALL information about her office.

The article states, "For years questions have lingered about the operations in the clerk of courts office, with multiple county officials expressing concern about management of court records, finances and staffing. The most pressing issue, perhaps, relates to court records being placed online. Almost every Ohio county has made court documents available online, but in Erie County it's entirely unclear if that will ever happen."

We have an ENTIRE website right here on all of those issues. Pick an article (any article) and start reading! From the Eleven "Areas of Concern" to "Records online: Ohio's 88 Counties" to "Articles of Interest" (all in the left side bar). The voters need to start reading and educating themselves to see how incompetent this woman is as our elected official! ! The evidence is overwhelming! !

To the Sandusky Register: we would just like to point out the fact that she said during the 2008 campaign that she would have records online by early 2009 (and we can see that has not happened). Therefore, we are fully confident that as long as she is Clerk, getting records online will never happen.

The article goes on to say that according to Monaghan, "Sufficient funds exist in the clerk of court's budget to hire more employees to focus soley on uploading court documents online. Johnson disagrees. 'We have asked for years to get the money to put the court records (online),' she said. 'The clerk can't just put them on.'"

Barbara, we know you have had that money for the past 2 (or has it been 3) years now. But in typical Barbara Johnson fashion, you have done NOTHING about it. Is it because you don't know how to manage and lead your office (which you have proven time and time again), or is it because you are so overwhelmed by the mess you have created over the past 20-plus years, that you have no clue where to start or how to fix it.

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This article is in today's Sandusky Register:
Clerk of courts back at work

As usual, there are some very good comments on the article and some. . . . . . . . . well, we'll just leave it at that.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


In today’s Sandusky Register, there appeared an extremely well written editorial by their Editorial Board (Douglas D. Phares, Publisher; Matt Westerhold, Managing Editor; Kathy Lilje, Features Editor; and Mike Schaeffer, Chief Design Editor). This editorial, while not able to be viewed on line unless you are a SR Online Subscriber, was in the Sunday, March 13, 2011 print edition on page D5. The title of the column was “WHERE IS BARB JOHNSON?” and is reprinted below:

“Erie County Clerk of Courts Barb Johnson has been out of the office for months with an unspecified illness.

While we wish her a speedy recovery, we would hope in her absence the department continues to serve county residents. If those duties are not being done effectively and efficiently, and if Johnson remains unavailable to perform the job county voters elected her to do, by law it’s time to move on.

For at least two years, Johnson has had funds available to hire two additional employees who could focus solely on posting court documents on the Internet, according to Erie County commissioner Bill Monaghan.

‘It’s not fair for the citizens of Erie County to not have an idea or a clear picture as to what’s going to happen in (Johnson’s) office,’ Monaghan said about Johnson’s extended absence.

Not fair indeed. While we respect Johnson’s privacy and need to tend to her personal matters, we have to object when it begins to interfere with how county government operates.

Are Erie County taxpayers getting their money’s worth from the Clerk of Courts? As evidence by the lack of progress in developing online records, apparently not. Even more troubling is the thought that other improvements in the department are likely on the back burner as well within the leader-less department. If the department can’t get it online, it’s time to get it in line – and soon.

Is it fair to want to know why Barb Johnson hasn’t been working? Send us a letter: See forum Guidelines on this page.”

Well, there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen. The only thing we would like to add is that she has actually been MIA for the past 20 plus years. We have already posted articles on this website about her lack of attendance, her lack of leadership, and receiving funds to put records on line. Here are a few of those articles we would like to resurrect from the past:





We hope the SR keeps on top of Johnson for they can help a lot to get her out of office in 2012. We here at Clerk of Court Watch firmly believe that no matter how sick she is, she will run again in 2012. We also believe that the voters will again vote her in office unless the voters are bombarded with this kind of information.

Friday, March 4, 2011


The following article appeared today in the Sandusky Register.

Actually, Barb has been MIA since mid September 2010. Mid September through mid February is over 140 days that she has been allowed (90 days according to state law plus the 40 day sick leave). We know about her medical condition. Unfortunately, because of the HIPPA law, we can not disclose that information.

Thanks to Andy Ouriel and the SR for a good article. Hopefully Andy and the SR will keep up the pressure on Barb to let the voters (her employers) know what her intentions are. The citizens deserve at least that from her! I firmly belive that she will never resign (for health or any other reason) because she is too embarassed to hand the office over to someone in the condition that it currently is in (and has been in for the past 20+ years).

On another note, we aren't sure what happened to her recent Quarterly Report Cards. We are looking in to that matter.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of October - December 2010.

1. Attendance 0
2. Records on line 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines 0
5. Address office understaffing 0
6. Microfilming closed cases 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff 0
8. Have case files properly filed away 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes 0
11. Automated Phone System 0
12. Over all Grade 0 = F

Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-
3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F

Barb has not been in the office since mid-September (over 90 days). We have unconfirmed reports that she is out due to health reasons. State law says that she only needs to be in the office one day out of 90, so only time will tell what will happen. She has filed paper work to extend her abscense due to health reasons.

Because she has not been in the office at all over the past 3 months, she has not been able to do any work, thus resulting in "0" or "F" in all categories.

Stay tuned folks, this could get good.