Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The recent Sandusky Register article “Records a Wreck: Erie County Clerk of Courts Files Overflow Across the Street,” has had some very interesting comments left by readers. We would like to respond to another of those comments. We love it when Johnson supporters try to defend Johnson.

gramma of many homeschoolers wrote on Feb 23, 2010 10:01 AM:

"Had to check different discussions and seems to me like "noncomformist"states ,. . ."

OK Gramma, we don't know what you are even saying here.

"some people must not have any better things to do with their time than express rude remarks even as late as 3 am on all these blogs (You know who you are)"

I haven't come across any "rude" remarks. Many have expressed their anger and outrage at Barb for doing "NOTHING," but I haven't seen any "rude" remarks.

What difference what time of day people post comments?

"I think in the case of Barb Johnson even Rowdy wanted her out of there for years and he was right As far as the mess I think it's called "passing the buck"

Who is "Rowdy?" As far as "passing the buck," yep, Johnson is passing the buck by saying that she doesn't have enough man-power to do the job even though she has had past opportunities (permission from the Commissioners) to hire more people but failed to act on it. Check our article "Addressing Office Understaffing" which is Part 5 under the 11 Areas of Concern. When all is said and done, Barb was put in charge of the Clerk of Courts Office by the voters of Erie County. As the head of that office, "the Buck" stops with her.

"What about a team effort to get things done No matter who's in charge it's everyones obligation to get the job done as in any other place of employment."

Barbara already has an excellent team in place. It's called her office staff. She only needs to formulate a plan, and then execute that plan through her office staff. The problem is, Barbara is so overwhelmed by this mess, she has absolutely no clue where to start. So in her mind, doing "NOTHING" is better that fixing the problem.

"Come on people give the lady a break!"

We have given Barb Johnson a break for the past 20-plus years! How much more of a break does she need? Gramma, break time is LONG over. It's time to get to work and if Johnson can't do the job (which she has proven far beyond a reasonable doubt) then it's time to get someone in that position that can do the job!


Monday, February 22, 2010


The recent Sandusky Register article “Records a Wreck: Erie County Clerk of Courts Files Overflow Across the Street,” has had some very interesting comments left by readers. We would like to respond to one of those comments.

Taxpayer wrote on Feb 22, 2010 9:00 AM:
"Let's see. The democrat liberals VOTED Barb Johnson into office.”

In our article “How Did Johnson Win?” we analyzed the 2008 election and how it was that Johnson won. There were many factors that played into her winning in 2008.

“She now BLAMES her performance on the previous Clerk of Courts. Hmm, sounds exactly like the current president.”

I did not notice in this SR article where she blamed the previous Clerk of Courts. As a matter of fact, I know of NO situation or time where Johnson has placed blame on the previous COC. I don’t think she would ever stoop that low. Her only crime is not having any experience, leadership, or managerial skills to do the job that she was elected to do.

“So HOW long has she been in office??”

She is currently serving her 6th term and has been the COC for the past 20-plus years (beginning in 1988).

“How many times will you miserable liberals continue voting her BACK into office??”

Again, read our analysis on the 2008 election mentioned above. However, not enough people knew the horrible job she is doing, so the “complacency voters” just automatically vote for the incumbent instead of doing their homework. It is our hope that this website will educate the voters by 2012 so they know who NOT to vote for!

“This is about the basic concept of PERFORMANCE and being QUALIFIED to do the job. She had PLENTY of TIME to learn the job and IMPROVE the process. All of you GET what you VOTE for…”

We couldn’t agree with you more. As we have mentioned over and over, she is NOT qualified to do this job. The past 20-plus years has proved that. She has had “Plenty of time” to improve her office, but if one is not in the office to improve it, then the office will never improve. That is one of the reasons why we feel she is stealing from the tax payers of Erie County as we talked about in the article “Is Barb Johnson Robbing the Tax Payers?”


The recent Sandusky Register article “Records a Wreck: Erie County Clerk of Courts Files Overflow Across the Street,” has had some very interesting comments left by readers. We would like to respond to one of those comments.

One of our favorite comments came from “Santownresident.”

Santownresident wrote on Feb 21, 2010 5:12 PM:
"Im not a bleeding heart friend and i could care less if she's to blame or not. I just chose to speculate on the glass being half filled rather than half empty.”

Well Santownresident, you should care and you should care greatly since it is YOUR tax money being wasted. We covered that topic in the article “Is Barb Johnson Robbing the Tax Payers?
As we mentioned in that article, during her first 20 years in office, she has literally thrown about $2 MILLION dollars out the window. That is $2 MILLION of YOUR money. What a waste!

“Innocent until proven guilty. Who knows how and why it went down other than the folks that work there.”

Santownresident, you don’t need to work there to know that she is “guilty as charged.” One does not need to work there to see that she is NOT doing her job. Just walk into that office and you can see for yourself. Go on the Erie County COC website and see for yourself that she STILL does not have records on line. What are we paying her to do? Our “NOTHING” Clerk only knows how to do one thing, and that is “NOTHING.”

"I think people are quick to paint her as lazy. . .”

No we here at COC Watch do not think she is lazy. She is underqualified, has no experience, has no leadership skills, and has no managerial skills to do the job. As a result, she is overwhelmed by the mess and has no idea or clue how to fix it. Lazy, she is not.

“. . .because.....ok here it comes....(the race card)....she's BLACK! There i said it, yea that's right! lol. "

We’ve been waiting for someone to pull the old “Race Card” out. The Race Card ploy is sooo old and lame now days. Not many people even pay attention to that none-sense anymore. We don’t care what color, race, or sex someone is. If you are not doing the job, then you do not deserve to have it. And Barbara Johnson has proved over the past 20 years that she can not do the job. Here’s a little “inside information” for you Santownresident, if we are successful in getting Barb out of office in 2012, then the next government official we are thinking of “exposing” is a WHITE MALE! ! ! (who will remain nameless at this time). Imagine that! !

People that use the race card only use it because they have been defeated and have no other defense to use. Why don't you or any other Johnson supporter comment on one of the "11 Areas of Concern" where the "Meat and substance" of our arguments are instead of grabbing at strings with the race card? Never mind, I'll answer that for you; it's because you can not argue against the truth and the facts that we have on this site, that's why.

You’ll have to do much better than the old “Race Card” trick with us!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Kudos to The Sandusky Register for again going after Barb Johnson and exposed a little more of her incompetence. This time it was in regards to the “Court Records a Wreck.”

Of course we already covered that here Part 8 in the 11 Areas of Concern.

Allow us to comment on a few things from the article.

1) “An online blog is devoted to discussing her job performance and was recently updated with an evaluation giving her an overall grade of “D.”

Actually, in the Quarterly Report Card: Fall 2009, we gave her a “D-” (D-Minus), one step away from total and complete failure which she just might achieve for the Winter Quarter Report Card!

It would have been nice if the SR actually recognized us by name along with the web address for those that might want to read more about this travesty!

2) Johnson said, “We do what we have to do…”

That’s right Barb. Doing “NOTHING” is all you are capable of doing! ! ! If you had been at your job back 5-7 years ago when the county was planning on moving the COC office and had actually DONE YOUR JOB, perhaps you wouldn’t be in this mess now! ! Instead, your lack of leadership and management has caused the COC office to be moved from small office space on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the court house to a SMALLER space on the first floor! ! What WERE you thinking! ? ! ? ! ?

3) “The records include civil, criminal and domestic case files dating back to the 1960’s, though most are from the ‘70s to the late ‘90s. Most stored in cardboard boxes – thousands of boxes containing tens of thousands of records.”

As we mentioned earlier, we covered this here back in August of 2009:

4) “In her 20 years as the county’s clerk of courts, Johnson said she’s never had the man – power to clean up the stacks of records.”

It is her JOB and RESPONSIBILITY to come up with a plan and execute that plan, instead of doing “NOTHING” which is what she does about everything! Oh sure, blame it on lack of man-power. However, as we mentioned in March of 2009 here the lack of manpower is YOUR own doing. Also, we have learned that you have permission to hire 3 more people and so far you have hired ONE! How’s that working out for you Barb?

5) “Few, if any, of the records have been archived or scanned into microfilm. In most cases, the paper records are the county’s only copy.”

We also covered this in March of 2009 here

A fire in the Hedges Building would destroy ALL of those records! That is pathetic and unexcusable! !

6) “Johnson said this has been her only option for records storage in recent years.”

Yes, if you can’t think OUTSIDE the box. . . or maybe if you are so incompetent that you can’t even think INSIDE the box. . . or perhaps she doesn’t even know how to think, period! ! ! ! THINK BARBARA, THINK! ! ! ! ! You can do it, I know you can! You have it in you SOMEWHERE. . . .well. . . . . . . . . . .maybe not. . . . . . . . . . .

7) Johnson said, “It’d be better to have everything in one place.” That’s a given. But this is the next best thing.”

No Barbara, having a clerk who gets paid $54,000 a year AND DOES THEIR JOB, is the best thing we the tax payers (and payers of YOUR salary) should have! ! ! ! There should be no “next best thing!”

Back on October 29, 2008, the SR had an online “Q&A Live: Clerk of Courts candidates answer your questions” and it was published here.

The first question was: What exactly does a Clerk of Court do?

Johnson answered: “The office is called Clerk of Courts. We are the record keepers for the court. In Common Pleas, Civil, Domestic, and Criminal Cases; file liens, receive passport applications, file notary commission . . .”

“We are the record keepers for the court.” That is what she said. And now you know how well she keeps those records!

The second question asked that night was: Can you name 4 qualifications that you have to be the Clerk of Courts?

Johnson answered, “I have worked in all areas of the office; started with titles, legal department, bookkeeper, and became Chief Deputy and Clerk of Courts. I have actually (sic) performed jobs in every area of the Clerks office. This is a job where experience matters, and my background allows me to lead with confidence and the needed expertise.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but I see NO experience with Johnson at the helm of that office. I see NO such leading with confidence, and I absolutely see NO expertise coming from her. She has proven this time after time after time. I don’t know how much more obvious she can make it that she is neither qualified, has no experience, and has no leadership or managerial skills needed to do this job!

As a matter of fact, the incompetence of this woman is absolutely mind-boggling! !


Coming Soon! Reaction to the recent Sandusky Register article, "Court Records a Wreck."

Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen, this will be good! !