Saturday, January 31, 2009


The purpose of this blog is to educate the citizens of Erie County as to why Barb Johnson should not be the Erie County Clerk of Courts, and to "hold Johnson accountable for doing nothing for the past 20 plus years."

We will use many tools of information including, but not limited to: 1) Personal experience in dealing with that office on a several times per week basis; 2) either entire articles or quotes from articles from the "Sandusky Register" and the "Morning Journal" (Lorain).

Barb Johnson is a very nice person. Her "likeability" is not what is in question. What is in question are her management skills (or lack thereof) which cost the citizens and tax payers of Erie County hundreds of thousands of dollars over her past 6 terms of over 20 years. This evidence will be gathered during the next 4 years and will be made available to the public for the 2012 election.

This information needs to get out to the public so that the public can make a much better, informed, and educated choice in their next Erie County Clerk of Courts, and to provide evidence as to why Barb Johnson cost Erie County way too much money.

In the beginning, this blog may not be a daily blog, but at least weekly or monthly. As we get closer to 2012, there will be more and more posts; probably eventually going to daily posts.

It is the editors hope that you check back often and become informed and educated before the 2012 election.

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