Friday, May 8, 2009


Most people have been posting under "anonymous" in the comment section which is fine. The only problem with that is that it's impossible to have an "ID" (or associate an individual) with the post, especially if one person posts about a particular topic. I am hoping that with future posts, instead of clicking on "anonymous," that people will make up a name, or URL and post under that name every time. This will give each poster an "ID" much like on the Sandusky Register website, so we have a particular individual attached to comments rather than a mass of random "anonymous." And you can do this without having to register to post comments (unlike on the SR site)! ! !

To do this, after you've finished writing your comment, 1) click on "Comment As" arrow; 2) Click on "Name/URL;" 3) under "Edit profile" type in either your name or URL; 4) Click on "Continue;" 5) Then continue as you would normally to finish posting your comment.

Just a reminder to follow the 3 rules in the "Commenting Guidelines" in the sidebar. I have had to delete some comments because they were off topic.

1 comment:

  1. This one is a great thought. Thank you for the effort to publish this it’s really informative.
