Sunday, March 21, 2010


While in the Clerk of Courts office last week, we were able to see the stacks of foreclosures sitting in the office waiting to go to sheriff's sale. There were over 200 foreclosures in the stacks of foreclosures. Now it is our understanding that the recently retired Anita was the main person in that office to have done the foreclosures. She would do 10-15 a week. Now that she has retired, we are told that Barb herself is doing them.

Mr. Porter wrote a letter to the editor of the Sandusky Register and he wrote about the "hard work that Mrs. Johnson" does. You can see our comments on Mr. Porter's letter here. Mr. Porter, we are about to show you yet another example of how Barbara Johnson is NOT doing her job, and is "hardly working" rather than working hard!

Anita retired Dec. 31 and as of this date, she still has not hired anyone to replace her: over two and a half months later. So in the mean time, Barb is doing the foreclosures herself.

The result: After 3 months, there are four (4) properties going up for sheriff's sale in April.

Compare that to the following:
December 15, 2009 - 3 sales
November 17, 2009 - 48 sales
October 20, 2009 - 69 sales
August 4, 2009 - 57 sales
June 23, 2009 - 48 sales
April 28, 2009 - 58 sales

So let's break down the numbers here. For a period of one year (April 2009 - April 2010) there were a total of 283 properties up for Sheriff Sales due to foreclosures. Some of those were canceled for various reasons, but that does not take away from the fact that even the canceled sales had to go through the COC office. This number of 283 properties is low due to the fact that the last 3 months of that one year period, there were only 4 properties in the Sheriff Sales for April 2010.

That number of 283 properties comes out to roughly 23 properties per month and 92 properties over a quarter (3 months). So before Barb Johnson took over handling the foreclosures herself, there were around 92 foreclosures every three months. The past three months with Johnson herself personally handling the foreclosures, there are FOUR (4). A HUGE drop from 92, and stacks of over 200 to go! ! !

Mr. Porter, we ask you (and other Johnson supporters) does this look like she is hard at work? We think not.

To you the voters we ask again: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

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