Thursday, March 26, 2009


I just received this from another reader: Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul resigns effective April 1 for "Health Reasons." Is this an April Fools Joke? Really, after all the heat this guy has been under especially by the Cleveland Plain Dealer and he resigns for "health reasons." Yeah, right, and my great, great, great grandfather was just found alive and walking down Columbus Ave. in front of the court house! Go here to see the entire Plain Dealer article, and here to see the previous Plain Dealer article.

Now if we could just get Barb Johnson to resign and safe us tax payers millions of dollars, we would be a little better off in this county. Although this blog is a good start, the Sandusky Register needs to put the heat on Johnson to either: A) get her to start doing her job; the job she was elected to do to run / manage that office; or B) get her to resign so the democrates can at least put someone else in there to clean up her enormous mess! ! But then maybe no one wants the task of cleaning up her enormous mess....well, Steve Schaeffer did, but the voters didn't seem to want him to clean up the mess, even though he had one heck of a good plan in place to do so.

Well, perhaps after 4 years, if the Sandusky Register doesn't do anything about it, hopefully enough people will be logging onto this site to put enough pressure on her not to run again.

The hits on this site keep going up every week! ! Word is getting out. Be sure to tell your friends and family about this site.

Remember, an educated voter is the best kind of voter.