Saturday, April 18, 2009


This week I will be leaving on vacation. I will be going somewhere very “HOT” with my spouse……oh, come on,…….it’s the weather….the weather will be hot….get your minds out of the gutter! ! ! I will be down in the Caribbean for a little rest and relaxation. Actually, we should have done this in February, but circumstances did not permit us to go at that time.

So I will put an “Open Thread” up next weekend since I won’t have time to write an article while I'm basking in the sunny beaches and 80 degree weather. However, while the “professor” is gone, that doesn’t mean that you can act up and go wild! I have PLENTY of substitute “instructors” looking on and noting activity on this site AND in the COC office! So, Mrs. Johnson’s attendance will still be noted!

Article in TWO weeks: “Johnson’s achievements in the COC office over the past 20 years.”


  1. It's obvious that the only way you could be monitoring Ms. Johnson's attendance and other areas of concern is through an "inside job". It's obvious that firelands411 has an "insider", too. This would account for firelands411 getting a copy of Baxter's lawsuit against the Register before the Register did. This can only mean that firelands411 also can get information from the "inside" about other cases and the names of the parties that blog on the SR.

    Which now makes me curious as to why there are no other "insiders" willing to reveal a lot of other AREAS OF CONCERN at the Courthouse. Maybe because they get such generous 30% raises?

  2. To anonymous post above - There is no need to get court information from an "insider" since all records are "PUBLIC RECORDS" which means ANYONE has access to them at any time (well, as long as the court house is open - no if the clerk had her records on line like this site has been hammering for the last 2 months, then the public would have access to court records 24/7).

    So there is no need for 411 to have an "insider" to get his information.

    Also, you are assuming an "insider" is providing RBJFO with information which is probably not the case. I've been in that office a few times in the past couple of years and anyone just walking in can see for themselves that what this site writes about is true. You don't have to do any digging to find out what the information this site provides. Yes, that office is a mess.

  3. Oh, I agree totally that the COC's office is a disaster because I have seen it for myself, but that wasn't what I meant. What I meant was--- no way could anybody monitor an elected public servant 24-7 if somebody on the "inside" wasn't supplying information. Same with Baxter's lawsuit against the Register. Somebody on the "inside" must have informed firelands411 about it the minute it was filed because I'm certain firelands411 wasn't hanging around the COC's office to enable them to get the information that QUICKLY.

    Do you understand what I am saying? I'm also curious why "insiders" are eager to basically "rat on Johnson" but no insiders are eager to "rat" on some other VERY SERIOUS AREAS OF CONCERN at the Erie County courthouse. But then, once again, could this be the reason behind the generous 30% raises to the staff?

  4. Wonder why the SR posted the name of the person behind the firelands411 but not the removejohnson or the huron2009......
