Saturday, July 25, 2009


A reader sent this article to me several weeks ago about Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earle Turner. It looks as though Barbara Johnson and Earl Turner have something in common: neither likes to work!

Actually if one does a search on the Cleveland Plain Dealer web site, it looks as if Turner is just as bad as Barb Johnson, if not (maybe?) worse. There are a whole slue of articles on his mismanagement of that office.

It’s really too bad that the Sandusky Register and the Morning Journal don’t follow Johnson more closely like the Plain Dealer follows Turner. It's not that tough to do. If I can do it, so can they!

Where as Johnson is voted into office, Turner is appointed to office. I would say too bad, but then look at how the “blind” voting for Johnson has been here in Erie County for the past 20 years!

The good news is that I can say that Johnson’s attendance has improved since the election. The bad news is that “NOTHING” continues to get done in that office and that is why she is and remains today as our “NOTHING” Clerk! Take a look at her quarterly report cards so far for Winter 2009 and Spring 2009 and the only thing that has improved since the 2008 election is her attendance; although, the past few weeks have been slipping. Will she go back to her old ways and be like her “colleague” Earl Turner with her attendance? Only time will tell. But knowing that she is being watched and being held accountable for her “NOTHINGNESS,” you would think that she would straighten up and start to get things done. But, unfortunately, its the same crap just a different day.

What would happen to you or I if we performed the duties of our jobs in this same way?

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING.”

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?


  1. Why wait for 2012? Get rid of her NOW ! ! !

    Enough is enough! !

    If she can't work, or refuses to work, or refuses to do the job that is required, get rid of her NOW! ! !

    She is costing the tax payers way too much money! ! !

  2. Editor -

    I know of a situation where Johnson robbed one of her own employees.

    She is despicable! !

    And to think some of her supporters think she is such a "good Christian woman."

  3. I need evidence of this so email me at so that we can chat further about this.

    I will not put rumors up on this site. I need facts and evidence to backup what goes on this site.

    I will give you 2 weeks from now to contact me.

  4. Wow! Now THAT comment made about Ms. Johnson "robbing an employee" was LOW. I mean I do not know her personally but I am and always have been a pretty good judge of character.

    I also stated on this site a long time ago that the COC's office has a lot of faults for sure but Ms. Johnson does not strike me as the type that would ever do anything dishonest or unethical and neither does she strike me as the type that would EVER do anything UNETHICAL or DISHONEST for anybody in the Erie County COURTHOUSE, either!

    Like sending a Common Pleas Court Judgment Entry to an INCORRECT ADDRESS......sure WASN'T Ms. Johnson that did that.

    Julie R.

  5. If I had a choice I personally would rather see tax money go to a public official that does as you say NOTHING then I would a legally abusive Court system that VIOLATES THE PEOPLES' RIGHTS. When you live in a County that unlawfully can get away without addressing LEGITIMATE COMPLAINTS both in Probate and the Common Pleas.....what does that tell you about the County we live in?

    Julie R.

  6. One of the commenters on here said to get rid of Barb Johnson NOW because she is costing the taxpayers way too much money. If this is true take heart. At least she's keeping the taxes on it in Erie County unlike the million that has gone to out of town lawyers and retired judges!
