Saturday, August 1, 2009


Over the course of this website (the past 6 months) we have had a few Johnson supporters leave comments. Some of the articles which they have left comments are: "Web Traffic Increase," "Open Thread," and "Quarterly Report Card: Winter 2009" just to name a few.

I am opening this up to any and all Johnson supporters. This is YOUR chance to voice your opinion. Leave a comment as to what we have put up on this site that is wrong...but be prepared to back your statements up with facts!

Some Johnson supporters in the past have said that everything on this site is a lie. Well, explain why (supported of course by evidence to the contrary). There are 48 articles so far on this site. Let's here from you, Johnson supporters. Show your true support for Barbara Johnson and state your case in the comment section at the end of this article. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! !

I know you are out there and log on this site; now speak up and be heard! !


  1. Come one Mr. / Mrs. Editor, the Johnson supporters aren't going to leave any comments! Get real dude / dudette! The reason why: they can't back up any of their support for Barb with actual facts.

    I'll bet you my week's paycheck that they won't leave a single comment. Don't get me wrong, it would be fun if they did, but it won't happen.

  2. I found this site while trying to find a link to online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court. There are no online records for the Erie County Clerk of Court's office!! WOW! Even in Stark County, where the unemployment rate is 12.1% and we're losing large businesses left and right, we STILL found the money to put our records online and our Clerk of Court Nancy Reinbold does a fantastic job in keeping with the duties of her office. Wouldn't it be fantastic if some Clerks of Court from other counties were required to form a peer review board in order to evaluate their counterparts in other counties? I think that is an idea worth pursuing. Good luck with this! Something in Erie County is certainly fishy with regards to this office.

  3. To the anonymous poster above on 8/1/09 @ 11:48:

    Please send me an email so that we can stay in touch.

    I love your idea of the review board idea! You are really on to something here....and I know Johnson would FAIL on any such board!

  4. To the person who said "something in Erie County is certainly fishy with regards to this office":

    I don't disagree at all.....but then there is something FISHY about a LOT of OFFICES in Erie County!

    Julie R.
