Friday, March 18, 2011


In the print edition of yesterday's SR was the article "Johnson: I'm Still Clerk," (3/17/11, page A2). In that article Johnson and the writer of the article (Andy Ouriel) said some things that we need to comment on.

The SR also had a much shorter article in their on-line edition "Clerk of courts back at work."

In that article, Johnson said, "I'm not keeping track of hours. I am coming in as often as I can."

So what she is really saying is that NOTHING has changed from the past 20-plus years: She has NEVER EVER kept track of ANYTHING in that office (most especially her hours - and in some cases some of her employees hours), and as in the past 20-plus years she is coming in as often as she can (see a previous article we wrote "Is Johnson Robbing the Tax Payers?").

The article says, "Erie County commissioners Bill Monaghan and Pat Shenigo meanwhile, said they've attempted to locate Johnson for some time and ask her why she didn't inform anyone of her whereabouts. But in the end, elected officials are their own bosses. They don't have to report to other elected officials."

She may not have to report to other elected officials, but she does have to REPORT TO US, THE TAX PAYER, AND HER BOSS! ! WE, as her boss, HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAS BEEN GOING ON for the past 5 months. . . . . or even the past 20-plus years! !

Side Note: Erie County commissioner Tom Ferrell is also AWOL many times. Monaghan and Shenigo, while you're at it, why not ask Ferrell where he is most of the time? End Side Note.

Johnson said, "Do I feel when I'm out of the office that I have to inform people where I am and why I'm out? That is not required."

No one cares how you "FEEL" about informing people Barbara, that is part of your job as the head of that department to inform us of where you are, why you're out, and when you plan to return. You have NEVER done that - not even letting your own staff know so that when people come looking for you, they can give an intelligent answer when you plan to be back. You're right Barbara, it is not required, but it is a courtesy to your staff, and your bosses (us, the tax payers that pay your $53,000 salary). Interesting that the word "Courtesy" has the word "Court" in it - she has no courtesy for the court or her bosses.

Another interesting note, since her staff are also Erie County tax payers, they too are her bosses.

The article said, "Johnson refuse to say if the meetings actually took place (between Johnson, Monaghan and former auditor Tom Paul), but both men confirmed they met with Johnson."

Typical Johnson. She is hush, hush about everything. Again, she forgets time, and time again that WE are her boss, and as her boss, we have a right to know ANY AND ALL information about her office.

The article states, "For years questions have lingered about the operations in the clerk of courts office, with multiple county officials expressing concern about management of court records, finances and staffing. The most pressing issue, perhaps, relates to court records being placed online. Almost every Ohio county has made court documents available online, but in Erie County it's entirely unclear if that will ever happen."

We have an ENTIRE website right here on all of those issues. Pick an article (any article) and start reading! From the Eleven "Areas of Concern" to "Records online: Ohio's 88 Counties" to "Articles of Interest" (all in the left side bar). The voters need to start reading and educating themselves to see how incompetent this woman is as our elected official! ! The evidence is overwhelming! !

To the Sandusky Register: we would just like to point out the fact that she said during the 2008 campaign that she would have records online by early 2009 (and we can see that has not happened). Therefore, we are fully confident that as long as she is Clerk, getting records online will never happen.

The article goes on to say that according to Monaghan, "Sufficient funds exist in the clerk of court's budget to hire more employees to focus soley on uploading court documents online. Johnson disagrees. 'We have asked for years to get the money to put the court records (online),' she said. 'The clerk can't just put them on.'"

Barbara, we know you have had that money for the past 2 (or has it been 3) years now. But in typical Barbara Johnson fashion, you have done NOTHING about it. Is it because you don't know how to manage and lead your office (which you have proven time and time again), or is it because you are so overwhelmed by the mess you have created over the past 20-plus years, that you have no clue where to start or how to fix it.

Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.

To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?

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