Friday, October 28, 2011


Erie County Commissioners have selected a new temporary clerk to fullfill a 30 day term for Barb Johnson who recently retired as the Erie County Clerk of Courts.  Her retirement (or resignation) begins October 31.

Luvada Wilson will serve a 30 day term.  And if the Erie County Democratic Part Executive Committee (ECDPEC) had any brains, they will keep this women in this position to fulfill the remainder of Johnson's term which ends January 2013.  Wilson has a law degree from the University of Toledo, and was the law clerk from 2006-present for Judge Tygh Tone.  She was instrumental in helping Judge Tone clean up the mess that Judge Anne Maschari left behind (much like Barb Johnson's mess, except worse) when she was voted out of office in 2006. 

Wilson has a great record and is up to the job.  She also has an EXCELLENT work ethic and work history (she is un the job EVERY day). 

Wilson also plans to run for the Erie County Clerk of Courts in the 2012 election.  She has a year to prove herself, and we think she will do a great job at doing just that! 

Good luck Luvada Wilson;  and, "go get 'em tiger! !"

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