Monday, October 31, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barabara Johnson has died.  She was to retire on October 31, but passed away yesterday (Sunday, October 20). 

Johnson had been battling health problems for 3-4 years.  At this time, it is not known if she passed away at her home, the hospital, or a nursing home (which she had been in a year ago). 

Read the SR article here.

To read Johnson's obituary, click here.

One of the bloggers on the SR website said it best:

Sam Adams (Oct. 31, 2011 @ 2:31 PM): "Mrs. Johnson was hopelessly inept at her job long before any claims of an illness, serious or otherwise.

Her poor job performance, however, in no way suggests that she was a bad person or that her friends and family aren't grieving today. I have never pretended I'd be less than thrilled to see her leave office. I am not remotely glad, however, that she's died. Condolences to all who will miss her."

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Today's Sandusky Register had an EXCELLENT op ed titled, "Johnson Exit Gives Dems Chance at Redemption."

In the piece, they say how the Erie County Dems can redeem themselves for over the past 22 years of ignoring her, "missteps and an abysmal failure to modernize or automate court records and procedures." 

The op ed piece also stated how Luvada Wilson, the current person to fultill a 30 day term, would be an excellent choice to fill in the interim position.

We agree.  For the Erie County Dems to make any other choice would be to show that they don't really give a crap about Erie County. 

Let's see if they do the right thing.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Erie County Commissioners have selected a new temporary clerk to fullfill a 30 day term for Barb Johnson who recently retired as the Erie County Clerk of Courts.  Her retirement (or resignation) begins October 31.

Luvada Wilson will serve a 30 day term.  And if the Erie County Democratic Part Executive Committee (ECDPEC) had any brains, they will keep this women in this position to fulfill the remainder of Johnson's term which ends January 2013.  Wilson has a law degree from the University of Toledo, and was the law clerk from 2006-present for Judge Tygh Tone.  She was instrumental in helping Judge Tone clean up the mess that Judge Anne Maschari left behind (much like Barb Johnson's mess, except worse) when she was voted out of office in 2006. 

Wilson has a great record and is up to the job.  She also has an EXCELLENT work ethic and work history (she is un the job EVERY day). 

Wilson also plans to run for the Erie County Clerk of Courts in the 2012 election.  She has a year to prove herself, and we think she will do a great job at doing just that! 

Good luck Luvada Wilson;  and, "go get 'em tiger! !"

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We apologize for any inconvienance in the late postings of recent articles.  We have been recently  experiencing technical difficulties which we are trying to work out.  Your patience in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Erie County Clerk of Courts Barbara Johnson told county officials that she will retire effective October 31.
Now let's hope the democrates choose wisely in their selection of Johnson's successor.  This is a chance for the Erie County Democratic Party to redeem themselves after YEARS of supporting a botched and shambled office!  The Erie County Commissioners will select someone to fullfill a 30 day term.  During that 30 day term, the Erie County Democratic Party's Executive Committee (ECDPEC) will vote to determine who will fulfill the rest of Johnson's term.

We'll see if whoever the ECDPEC will earn their $53,000 per year salary any better than Johnson who was rarely (if ever) in the office.

This resignation (or retirement) should have happened YEARS ago (around 15 years ago) instead of today.  If she would have done that, then the office would not be in the complete state of chaos that it is today.  Well, we guess it's better late than never.....but it sure seems like never.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Barbara Johnson for retiring and putting an end to this mess.  Perhaps know, we will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Below you will find Barb Johnson's grade card for her job performance for the period of July - September 2011.
1. Attendance = 0
2. Records on line = 0
3. SSN & financial account numbers removed from hard copy case files = 0
4. Collection on estimated $700.000 in outstanding court costs and fines = 0
5. Address office understaffing = 0
6. Microfilming closed cases = 0
7. Improve customer relation skills of the staff = 0
8. Have case files properly filed away = 0
9. Monitoring program to keep cases from being illegally removed from the office = 0
10. Send staff to continuing Ed workshops to keep them on top of ORC changes = 0
11. Automated Phone System = 0
12. Over all Grade = 0 = F
Grade scale: 12=A+; 11=A; 10=A-; 9=B+; 8=B; 7=B-; 6=C+; 5=C; 4=C-3=D+; 2=D; 1=D-; 0=F
What else can we say that hasn't already been said?
Too bad, and so sad; especially since OUR tax money is paying her to do “NOTHING” about everything.
To you the voter I ask: Does this look like she is doing the job that she was elected by YOU THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS of Erie County to do?